@外国朋友&老年朋友,更方便了!-杭州微信小程序开发为你呈现时间:2024-04-20 谁还不太会用手机支付? 刚到中国的外国朋友;不太懂手机操作的老人朋友。这两类人怎么用得更方便?过去一段时间,微信支付持续开展体验优化,不少改动现在告诉你。 觉得绑定外卡和认证过程太长,怎么办? Q: What if I find linking an international card and the verification process too cumbersome? get——现在,你可以体验到更简单的注册流程,仅需要填写外卡卡号、有效期和安全码,无需再填写其他信息即可完成绑卡。同时,你现在还可以通过多种入口快速绑卡,支付过程中再绑卡也可以的。 You will now experience a more streamlined registration process. Simply enter your card number, expiry date, and security code, bypassing the need for identity information to link your international card. Moreover, you can swiftly link your card through several access points, even during a transaction. 马上就要用移动支付了,但暂时没时间提交完整信息,怎么办? Q: What if I urgently need to use mobile payment but don't have the time to provide full details? get——除了更简单的绑卡流程外,我们还准备了免认证小额支付额度。外国的朋友在首次开通使用微信支付时,可以在仅绑定外卡的情况下,在一定额度范围内支付功能,快速试用微信支付。 Besides simplifying the card-linking procedure, we're introducing a no-verification small-payment limit. By linking an international card, first-time users of Weixin Pay from abroad can try Weixin Pay within a certain amount without verification. 当然,等有空了也可以选择继续提交认证信息,就可以提高交易额度,体验完整的服务了。 You can submit verification details at your convenience to increase your transaction limit and access the full suite of Weixin Pay. 除了上面说的这些,在注册、绑卡、开通环节也持续会有调整和完善,以后还会有更便捷的产品方案,到时候通过多种充值渠道,无需绑卡和认证就能用支付,更多远道而来的朋友们都能体验这份中国式便利啦~ We've also refined numerous details in the registration, card linking, and activation steps and are committed to ongoing enhancements. Weixin Pay will also launch a new feature, which will allow foreign users to experience the convenient mobile payment function directly through various top-up methods, without the need to bind a card or go through authentication. 看不清字?可以打开微信“关怀模式”(怎么开?看这里)。现在微信支付小程序点单也上线“大字大图关怀模式”啦。 没有银行卡或者不会绑卡,但又想用微信支付?可以试试微信支付“亲属卡”,开通后可以通过子女的微信支付账户买买买~ 没有智能手机怎么办?还可以用这个“银龄守护卡”小手机。 如果还是有很多不会,可以拨打95017“长辈无忧专线”随时找客服,一对一优先解决问题~ |